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Gavin won first prize in CityU EE Graduate Research Seminar Awards

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Congratulations to Mr. Guangyan LI (Gavin), who won the first prize in CityU EE Graduate Research Seminar Awards for Semester A 2022/23. The winning presentation, supervised by Dr. Ray Cheung, is titled “Algorithm-Hardware Co-design of Split-Radix Discrete Galois Transformation for KyberKEM.” Read more

Paper Accept

Gavin’s Paper Accepted in IEEE IoT-J

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Many Congratulations to Gavin for his paper being accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IoT-J, IF: 10.238). The title of the paper is “REALISE-IoT: RISC-V Based Efficient and Lightweight Public-key System for IoT Applications”. Read more

Gavin’s Paper Accepted in IEEE TETC

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Many Congratulations to Gavin for his paper being accepted in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (IEEE TETC, IF: 7.691). The title of the paper is “Algorithm-Hardware Co-design of Split-Radix Discrete Galois Transformation for KyberKEM”. Read more

Gavin’s Paper Accepted in IEEE TRETS

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Many Congratulations to Mr. Guangyan LI (Gavin), for his paper accepted in ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS). The title of the paper is “High-Performance and Configurable SW/HW Co-design of Post-Quantum Signature CRYSTALS-Dilithium”. Read more
